UGC Approved Care List-2021 I UGC-CARE List of Journals for Science Subjects (Group-I)-2021

UGC Approved: UGC-CARE List of Journals for Science Subjects (Group-I) – 2021

This article covers the UGC Approved:UGC-CARE List of Journals for Science as mention in the UGC-CARE Portal as per guideline and mandate suggested by the UGC.  As you know UGC Care distributes journals in two groups (Group -I & Group- II). The journals included in Group-I i.e. the Journals  which is found qualified through UGC-CARE protocols. Following listed journals are basically covers the sciences which has all the subjects and research areas of science discipline.

In UGC-CARE, Science category journals includes 20 Major Subjects areas as listed bellow:

  1.  General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
  2. Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
  3. Chemical Engineering
  4. Chemistry
  5. Computer Science
  6. Earth and Planetary Sciences
  7. Energy
  8. Engineering
  9. Environmental Science
  10. Immunology and Microbiology
  11. Materials Science
  12. Mathematics
  13. Medicine
  14. Neuroscience
  15. Nursing
  16. Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
  17. Physics and Astronomy
  18. Veterinary
  19. Dentistry
  20. Health Professions
UGC-CARE (Group-I) Journal of Science Category Current Status [2021]
  • UGC Care Journal Category: Science
  • UGC CARE Group:- Group-I
  • Journals : 290
  • Active Journals (with index in Scopus & Web of Science):- 374
  • Journal Indexed in Scopus & Web of Scienc: 84
  • Discontinued Journal: 56
  • Total Journals: 430
UGC Approved: UGC-CARE List of Journals for Science [Latest updated list as on December, 2021]

Following are the UGC Approved: UGC-CARE List of Journals for Science which are included in UGC Care Group-I. The list includes Journal Name, Publisher, Journal ISSN and E-ISSN number and current status.

Sr. No Journal Name Publisher ISSN E-ISSN Current Status
1 Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra 1335-258X 1336-9245 Indexed in Scopus
2 Acta Geographica Debrecina Landscape and Environment Series Department of Landscape Protection and Environmental Geography, University of Debrecen 1789-4921 1789-7556 continued
3 Acta Graphica Faculty of Graphic Arts, University of Zagreb 0353-4707 1848-3828 Discontinued from Oct. 2020
4 Acta Universitatis Apulensis Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Alba Iulia 1582-5329 NA Discontinued from Oct. 2020
5 Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii Series Mathematics Department of Mathematics Faculty of Natural Sciences, Matej Bel University 1338-712X 1338-7111 Discontinued from Oct. 2020
6 ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology Assam Don Bosco University NA 2348-7305 Continued
7 Advanced Engineering Forum Trans Tech Publications Inc. 2234-9898 2234-991X Continued
8 Advanced Materials Research Scientific.Net 1022-6680 1662-8985 Continued
9 Advanced Science Letters American Scientific Publishers 1936-6612 1936-7317 Discontinued from July 2020
10 Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences Mili Publications 0974-6803 NA Continued
11 Advances in Agriculture Hindawi Limited 2356-654X 2314-7539 Continued
12 Advances in Environment Research Techno Press 2234-1722 2234-1730 Continued
13 Advances in Zoology and Botany Horizon Research Publishing 2331-5083 2331-5091 Continued
14 African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics Mathematical Research Publisher 1539-854X NA Continued
15 Afrika Statistika Saint-Louis Senega University 2316-090X NA Continued
16 Agricultural Research Journal Punjab Agricultural University 2395-1435 2395-146X Continued
17 Agricultural Science Digest Agricultural Research Communication Centre 0253-150X 0976-0547 Continued
18 AIMS Molecular Science AIMS Press NA 2372-0301 Continued
19 AIS Transactions on Human- Computer Interaction Association for Information Systems NA 1944-3900 Discontinued from April 2021
20 Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences Al Ameen Medical College 0974-1143 NA Continued
21 Albanian Journal of Mathematics Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Oakland University 1930-1235 NA Continued
22 Algological Studies Schweizerbart Science Publishers 1864-1318 2363-7080 Discontinued from April 2021
23 Aligarh Journal of Statistics Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University 0971-0388 NA Continued
24 Analytical Chemistry Letters Taylor and Francis 2229-7928 2230-7532 Continued
25 Ancient Science of Life AVP Research Foundation 0257-7941 2249-9547 Discontinued from April 2021
26 Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity Korean Society of Systematic Zoology 2234-6953 2234-8190 Continued
27 Annales Mathematiques Blaise Pascal Mathematical laboratory, Blaise Pascal University of Clermont-Ferrand 1259-1734 2118-7436 Indexed in Scopus
28 Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine Society of Ayurvedic Physicians of India 2277-4092 2347-6923 Continued
29 Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara- International Journal of Engineering Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, University Politehnica Timisoara 1584-2665 1584-2673 Discontinued from July 2020
30 Annals of National Academy of Medical Sciences National Academy of Medical Sciences 2454-5635 2454-5635 Continued
31 Annals of Plant and Soil Research G. K. V. Society 0972-1959 2347-6036 Continued
32 Annals of West University of Timisoara- Mathematics and Computer Science Sciendo, De Gruyter NA 1841-3307 Discontinued from Oct. 2020
33 Annals. Food Science and Technology Valahia University Press 2065-2828 2344-4916 Continued
34 Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture University of Strathclyde 1756-9575 NA Continued
35 Applied Biological Research Centre for Advancement of Applied Science 0972-0979 0974-4517 Continued
36 Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences Science and Education Publishing 2328-3912 2328-3920 Continued
37 Applied Water Science Springer 2190-5487 2190-5495 Indexed in Web of Science
38 Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine Naif Arab University for Security Sciences 1658-6786 1658-6794 Continued
39 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences Elsevier 1319-5166 NA Indexed in Scopus
40 Arabian Journal of Mathematics Springer 2193-5343 2193-5351 Indexed in Scopus
41 Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences Yenepoya University 2321-4848 2321-6085 Continued
42 Arctoa: A Journal of Bryology KMK Scientific Press Ltd. 0131-1379 NA Indexed in Scopus
43 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture 1656-4383 2599-3879 Continued
44 Asian Journal of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Asian Publication Corporation NA 2456-8937 Continued
45 Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences Academy of Indian Health Professionals 2350-0964 2349-0659 Continued
46 Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters Taylor and Francis 1674-2834 2376-6123 Indexed in Scopus
47 Autism and Developmental Language Impairments Sage Publications 2396-9415 NA Indexed in Scopus
48 Ayu Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda 0974-8520 0976-9382 Continued
49 Bharatiya Vaigyanik evam Audyogik Anusandhan Patrika National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources 0771-7706 0975-2412 Continued
50 Big Data and Society Sage Publications 2053-9517 NA Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science
51 Biochemistry Insights Sage Publications 1178-6264 1178-6264 Discontinued from July 2020
52 Bioengineering MDPI 2306-5354 NA Indexed in Scopus
53 Biological Theory Springer 1555-5542 1555-5550 Continued
54 Biotechnology Research and Innovation Elsevier 2452-0721 NA Discontinued from Oct. 2020
55 Blde University Journal of Health Sciences BLDE University 2468-838X 2456-1975 Continued
56 Botanicheskii Zhurnal Sankt-Peterburgskaya Izdatel’Skaya Firma Nauka 0006-8136 2658-6339 Indexed in Scopus
57 Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution Magnolia Press 2381-9677 2381-9685 Continued
58 Bulgarian Journal of Physics Heron Press Ltd. 1310-0157 1314-2666 Continued
59 Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University 1110-0931 NA Discontinued from Jan. 2020
60 Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society (print only) Calcutta Mathematical Society 0008-0659 NA Continued
61 Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America Ecological Society of America NA 2327-6096 Continued
62 Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin Calcutta Statistical Association 0008-0683 2456-6462 Continued
63 Canadian Journal of Disability Studies Canadian Studies Disability Association 1929-9192 NA Continued
64 Case Report in Rheumatology Hindawi Limited 2090-6889 2090-6897 Continued
65 Caucasian Entomological Bulletin Institute of Arid Zones SSC RAS NA 1814-3326 Indexed in Scopus
66 Chemistry and Biology Interface Indian Society of Chemists and Biologists NA 2249-4820 Discontinued from Jan. 2020
67 Chinese Herbal Medicines Elsevier 1674-6384 2589-3610 Discontinued from Jan. 2020
68 Cogent Environmental Science Taylor and Francis NA 2331-1843 Continued
69 Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1: Mathematics and Statistics Faculty of Science, Ankara University 1303-5991 2618-6470 Continued
70 Complex Analysis and its Synergies Springer NA 2197-120X Continued
71 Computational Methods for Differential Equations University of Tabriz 2345-3982 2383-2533 Continued
72 Concrete Operators Walter de Gruyter NA 2299-3282 Indexed in Scopus
73 Contraception and Reproductive Medicine BioMed Central Ltd. NA 2055-7426 Continued
74 Convergent Science Physical Oncology Institute of Physics Publishing NA 2057-1739 Discontinued from Feb. 2020
75 Creative Mathematics and Informatics Depatament of Mathematics and Computer Science, Tehnical University of Cluj- Napoca 1584-286X 1843-441X Continued
76 Crux Mathematicorum Canadian Mathematical Society 1706-8142 1496-4309 Continued
77 Cubo, A Mathematical Journal Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of La Frontera 0716-7776 0719-0646 Indexed in Scopus
78 Current Biochemical Engineering Bentham Science Publishers 2212-7119 2212-7127 Continued
79 Current Botany TathQeef Scientific Publishing NA 2220-4822 Continued
80 Current Catalysis Bentham Science Publishers 2211-5447 2211-5455 Continued
81 Current Dermatology Reports Springer NA 2162-4933 Indexed in Scopus
82 Current Green Chemistry Bentham Science Publishers 2213-3461 2213-347X Continued
83 Current Medicine Research and Practice Sir Ganga Ram Hospital 2352-0817 NA Continued
84 Current Microwave Chemistry Bentham Science Publishers 2213-3356 2213-3364 Continued
85 Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering Elsevier 2468-4511 NA Indexed in Scopus
86 Current Physical Chemistry Bentham Science Publishers 1877-9468 1877-9476 Continued
87 Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports Springer NA 2196-3010 Continued
88 Current Traditional Medicine Bentham Science Publishers 2215-0838 2215-0846 Indexed in Scopus
89 Current World Environment Enviro Research Publishers 0973-4929 2320-8031 Continued
90 Curtis’s Botanical Magazine Royal Botanic Gardens NA 1467-8748 Continued
91 Data Science and Engineering Springer 2364-1185 2364-1541 Indexed in Scopus
92 Defence Life Science Journal Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre 2456-379X 2456-0537 Indexed in Scopus
93 Differential Geometry- Dynamical Systems Balkan Society of Geometers, Geometry Balkan Press NA 1454-511X Continued
94 Discussiones Mathematicae- General Algebra and Applications Faculty of Mathematics Computer Science and Econometrics, University of Zielona Gora 1509-9415 2084-0373 Indexed in Scopus
95 Ecology, Economy and Society- the INSEE Journal Indian Society of Ecological Economics 2581-6152 2581-6101 Continued
96 Ecosystem Health and Sustainability Taylor and Francis 2096-4129 2332-8878 Indexed in Scopus
97 Ela Journal of Forestry and Wildlife Ela Foundation 2319-4361 NA Continued
98 Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Alexandria University NA 2090-729X Continued
99 Entomon Association for Advancement of Entomology 0377-9335 NA Continued
100 Environmental and Experimental Biology University of Latvia 1691-8088 2255-9582 Continued
101 Eurasian Journal of Forest Science Eurasscience Journals NA 2147-7493 Discontinued from Sept. 2019
102 European Journal of Medicinal Plants Sciencedomain International 2231-0894 NA Discontinued from Feb. 2020
103 Fasciculi Mathematici Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics 0044-4413 NA Continued
104 Food Science and Human Wellness Beijing Academy of Food Sciences 2213-4530 NA Indexed in Scopus
105 Fractional Differential Calculus Element d.o.o. 1847-9677 NA Continued
106 Fungal Biology and Biotechnology BioMed Central Ltd. 2054-3085 NA Indexed in Scopus
107 Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Future University in Egypt 2314-7245 2314-7253 Continued
108 Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing Tver State University 1819-4362 NA Continued
109 Ganita Bharata Ganita Parishada 0046-5402 NA Continued
110 Gardens Bulletin Singapore National Parks Board, Singapore Botanic Gardens 0374-7859 2382-5812 Continued
111 Genomics and Computational Biology Johannes Gutenberg University NA 2365-7154 Discontinued from Oct. 2020
112 Geographical Review of India The Geographical Society of India 0375-6386 NA Continued
113 Gravitational and Space Research American Society for Gravitational and Space Research NA 2332-7774 Discontinued from Feb. 2020
114 Gujarat Agricultural University Research Journal Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University 0250-5193 NA Continued
115 Gulf Journal of Mathematics Canadian University of Dubai NA 2309-4966 Continued
116 Hardy Ramanujan Journal Hardy- Ramanujan Society NA NA Continued
117 Hepatoma Research OAE Publishing Inc. 2394-5079 2454-2520 Discontinued from Sept. 2019
118 High Voltage Institution of Engineering and Technology NA 2397-7264 Indexed in Web of Science
119 Hill Geographer Geographical Society of the North-Eastern Hill Region 0970-5023 NA Continued
120 Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine 0974-1291 NA Continued
121 Horticultural Plant Journal KeAi Publishing Communications Ltd 2095-9885 2468-0141 Indexed in Scopus
122 ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology ICT Academy 0976-0091 2229-6948 Continued
123 ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing ICT Academy 0976-9099 0976-9102 Continued
124 ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics ICT Academy 2395-1672 2395-1680 Continued
125 ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing ICT Academy 0976-6561 2229-6956 Continued
126 IET Cyber- Physical Systems: Theory and Applications Institution of Engineering and Technology NA 2398-3396 Indexed in Scopus
127 Indian Dermatology Online Journal Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists 2229-5178 2249-5673 Continued
128 Indian Hydrobiology Krishnamurthy Institute of Algology, Madras Christian College 0971-6548 NA Continued
129 Indian Journal of Aerobiology Indian Aerobiological Society 0971-1546 NA Continued
130 Indian Journal of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Indian College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology 0972-6691 2320-4745 Continued
131 Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition Animal Nutrition Society of India 0970-3209 2231-6744 Continued
132 Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education College of Nursing, Christian Medical College 2230-7354 2666-8246 Continued
133 Indian Journal of Dairy Science Indian Dairy Association 0019-5146 2454-2172 Continued
134 Indian Journal of Dental Sciences Himachal Pradesh University 0976-4003 2231-2293 Continued
135 Indian Journal of Discrete Mathematics Academy of Discrete Mathematics and Applications, India NA 2455-5819 Continued
136 Indian Journal of Geography and Environment Department of Geography and Environment Management, Vidyasagar University 0972-7388 NA Continued
137 Indian Journal of Geosciences Geological Survey of India 2229-3574 2582-3485 Continued
138 Indian Journal of Gerontology Indian Gerontological Association 0971-4189 NA Continued
139 Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Springer 2363-8397 2363-8400 Indexed in Scopus
140 Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research KLEU KLE University 2542-6214 2542-6222 Continued
141 Indian Journal of Hill Farming Indian Association of Hill Farming 0970-6429 NA Continued
142 Indian Journal of Pain Indian Society for Study of Pain 0970-5333 2321-7820 Continued
143 Indian Journal of Physical Therapy and Research KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy Belagavi 2666-349X NA Continued
144 Indian Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Indian Society of Psychiatric Nurses 2231-1505 2666-528X Continued
145 Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS Indian Association for the Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2589-0557 2589-0565 Continued
146 Indian Journal of Small Ruminants Indian Society for Sheep and Goat Production and Utilization 0971-9857 0973-9718 Indexed in Scopus
147 Indian Journal of Sugarcane Technology Association of Sugarcane Technologists of India 0970-3233 NA Continued
148 Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences NA 2249-1023 Discontinued from July 2021
149 Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia 2355-7079 2406-8195 Indexed in Scopus
150 Industrial Engineering Journal Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering 0970-2555 NA Continued
151 INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Lavras NA 1982-3363 Continued
152 Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA Oxford University Press 2049-8764 2049-8772 Indexed in Scopus
153 Integers Colgate University and Charles University NA 1553-1732 Continued
154 International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research 2349-4220 2350-0298 Continued
155 International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing IGI Global 1937-965X 1937-9668 Continued
156 International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics Springer 0975-0770 0975-5616 Continued
157 International Journal of Agricultural System Graduate School, Hasanuddin University 2337-9782 2580-6815 Continued
158 International Journal of Agricultural Technology Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia 2630-0613 2630-0192 Indexed in Scopus
159 International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research Basic Medical Scientists Association 2229-516X 2250-2858 Continued
160 International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology Asian Exercise and Sports Science Association 2322-3537 NA Discontinued from Jan. 2020
161 International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering IGI Global 2155-4153 2155-4161 Continued
162 International Journal of Applied Logistics IGI Global 1947-9573 1947-9581 Continued
163 International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science Inderscience Publishers 1752-2862 1752-2870 Discontinued from Oct. 2020
164 International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction International Association for Sustainable Development and Management 1911-110X 1911-1118 Continued
165 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Inderscience Publishers 1755-4950 1755-4969 Continued
166 International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering IGI Global 2161-1610 2161-1629 Continued
167 International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies Inderscience Publishers 1755-4977 1755-4985 Continued
168 International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering 1793-8201 NA Continued
169 International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing IGI Global 2155-6997 2155-6989 Continued
170 International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics IGI Global 1947-3117 1947-3125 Continued
171 International Journal of Data Science and Analytics Springer 2364-415X 2364-4168 Indexed in Scopus
172 International Journal of Design Engineering Inderscience Publishers 1751-5882 1751-5874 Continued
173 International Journal of Digital Curation Digital Curation Centre, University of Edinburgh NA 1746-8256 Continued
174 International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence IGI Global 1947-3494 1947-3508 Continued
175 International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences National Institute of Ecology 0377-015X 2320-5199 Continued
176 International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology Society of Economic Geologists and Mineral Technologists, Department of Geology, University of Karachi NA 2223-957X Discontinued from July 2020
177 International Journal of Electrochemistry Hindawi Limited 2090-3529 2090-3537 Continued
178 International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering IGI Global 2160-9500 2160-9543 Continued
179 International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences International Association of Food and Nutrition Scientists 2319-1775 2320-7876 Continued
180 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering Springer 2199-9260 2199-9279 Indexed in Scopus
181 International Journal of Green Computing IGI Global 1948-5018 1948-5026 Continued
182 International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development IGI Global 1935-5661 1935-567X Continued
183 International Journal of Information Security Science Department of Computer Engineering, Gazi University NA 2147-0030 Continued
184 International Journal of Information Technology Springer 2511-2104 2511-2112 Continued
185 International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering NA 2306-708X Continued
186 International Journal of Insect Science Sage Publications 1179-5433 1179-5433 Discontinued from July 2020
187 International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking IGI Global 1941-8663 1941-8671 Continued
188 International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation Inderscience Publishers 2056-9467 2056-9459 Indexed in Scopus
189 International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology 1793-8198 NA Continued
190 International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Centre for Environment and Socio- Economic Research Publications 0974-7117 0973-8347 Continued
191 International Journal of Monitoring and Surveillance Technologies Research IGI Global 2166-7241 2166-725X Continued
192 International Journal of Nano Dimension Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon Branch 2008-8868 2228-5059 Discontinued from Jan. 2020
193 International Journal of Next- Generation Computing Perpetual Innovation 2229-4678 0976-5034 Continued
194 International Journal of Operations Research Department of Management Sciences, TamKang University 1813-713X 1813-7148 Continued
195 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Phcog.Net 2230-973X 2230-9713 Continued
196 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research MRI Publication Pvt. Ltd. NA 0975-248X Continued
197 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology Pharma Book Syndicate NA 0974-3278 Discontinued from Oct. 2020
198 International Journal of Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships IGI Global 2379-7487 2379-7479 Continued
199 International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology Inderscience Publishers 1757-3971 1757-398X Continued
200 International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering Indian Association for Reliability and Statistics 2350-0174 2456-2378 Continued
201 International Journal of Yoga Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana 0973-6131 2231-2714 Continued
202 International Research Journal of Plant Science International Research Journals Publishing House 2141-5447 NA Continued
203 Involve: A Journal of Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Publishers 1944-4176 1944-4184 Indexed in Scopus
204 Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry University of Kashan 2226-6489 2008-9015 Discontinued from Sept. 2019
205 IRCF Journal Reptiles and Amphibians: Conservation and Natural History The International Reptile Conservation Foundation 2330-3956 2332-4961 Continued
206 Isecure- The ISC International Journal of Information Security Iranian Society of Cryptography 2008-2045 2008-3076 Continued
207 ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology Indian Society of Earthquake Technology 0972-0405 NA Continued
208 Jahan- e- Tib Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine 0974-1372 NA Continued
209 Jnanabha Vijnana Parishad of India 0304-9892 2455-7463 Continued
210 Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies Fair Partners Society for the Promotion of Science 2065-3506 2065-5851 Continued
211 Journal of Advanced Scientific Research Sciensage NA 0976-9595 Continued
212 Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies Aeronautical Society of India 0972-950X NA Continued
213 Journal of Algebra and Related Topics Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Guilan 2345-3931 2382-9877 Discontinued from Jan. 2020
214 Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing All India Institute of Speech and Hearing 0973-662X 2582-4961 Continued
215 Journal of Animal Ethics University of Illinois Press 2156-5414 2160-1267 Continued
216 Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology Open Science Publishers 2455-7005 2347-212X Discontinued from Sept. 2019
217 Journal of Applied Geochemistry Indian Society of Applied Geochemists 0972-1967 NA Continued
218 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics Institute of Mathematics, Czestochowa University of Technology 2299-9965 2353-0588 Continued
219 Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala 2321-340X NA Continued
220 Journal of Ayurveda National Institute of Ayurveda 2321-0435 2582-7693 Continued
221 Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature Taylor and Francis 2231-1866 2231-1874 Indexed in Scopus
222 Journal of Bioresources Rajiv Gandhi University, Center with Potential for Excellence in Biodiversity 2394-4315 2582-2276 Continued
223 Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment OAE Publishing Inc. 2394-4722 2454-2857 Continued
224 Journal of Cellular Immunotherapy Shanghai Hengrun Biomedical Technology Research Institute 2352-1775 NA Discontinued from July 2020
225 Journal of Classical Analysis Element d.o.o. 1848-5979 1848-5987 Continued
226 Journal of Climate Change IOS Press 2395-7611 2395-7697 Continued
227 Journal of Construction Management National Institute of Construction Management and Research 0970-3675 NA Continued
228 Journal of Dental Research and Review Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 2348-2915 2348-3172 Continued
229 Journal of Dental Research Dental Clinics Dental Prospects Tabriz University of Medical Sciences 2008-210X 2008-2118 Continued
230 Journal of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery Saudi Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery 2352-2410 2352-2429 Continued
231 Journal of Diabetology Diabetes In Asia Study Group 2543-3288 2078-7685 Continued
232 Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law 1558-7215 1558-7223 Continued
233 Journal of Drug Research In Ayurvedic Sciences Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences 2279-0357 2581-8295 Continued
234 Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories Taylor and Francis 1726-037X 2169-0057 Continued
235 Journal of Epilepsy Research Korean Epilepsy Society 2233-6249 2233-6257 Continued
236 Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences Horizon Publisher India NA 2320-8694 Discontinued from Jan. 2020
237 Journal of Family and Community Medicine Saudi Society of Family and Community Medicine 2230-8229 2229-340X Indexed in Scopus
238 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Family Medicine and Primary Care Trust 2249-4863 2278-7135 Continued
239 Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment WFL Publisher Ltd. 1459-0255 1459-0263 Continued
240 Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences Indian Association of Forensic Odontology 0975-1475 0975-2137 Continued
241 Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Alexandria University 2090-584X 2090-5858 Continued
242 Journal of Fungi MDPI NA 2309-608X Indexed in Scopus
243 Journal of Geophysics (print only) Association of Exploration Geophysicists 0257-1412 NA Continued
244 Journal of Geosciences Research The Gondwana Geological Society 2455-1953 NA Continued
245 Journal of Geriatric Mental Health Indian Association for Geriatric Mental Health 2348-9995 2395-3322 Continued
246 Journal of Global Resources Institute of Sustainable Development, Environmental and Scientific Research 2395-3160 2455-2445 Discontinued from Jan. 2020
247 Journal of Himalayan Ecology and Sustainable Development Department of Environmental Science, University of Kashmir 0973-7502 NA Continued
248 Journal of Hyperstructures University of Mohaghegh Ardabili 2251-8436 2322-1666 Continued
249 Journal of Immunology and Immunopathology Society for Immunology and Immunopathology 0972-0561 0973-9149 Continued
250 Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry Indian Assiciation of Public Health Dentistry 2319-5932 2350-0484 Continued
251 Journal of Indian College of Cardiology Indian College of Cardiology 1561-8811 2213-3615 Continued
252 Journal of Indian Geomorphology Indian Institute of Geomorphologists 2320-0731 NA Continued
253 Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society Sage Publications 0301-5742 0974-9098 Continued
254 Journal of Indian Water Works Association (print only) Indian Water Works Association 0970-275X NA Continued
255 Journal of Insect Biodiversity Ataturk University 2147-7612 NA Indexed in Scopus
256 Journal of International Clinical Dental Research Organisation International Clinical Dental Research Organisation 2231-0754 2231-5357 Continued
257 Journal of Laboratory Physicians The Indian Association of Laboratory Physicians 0974-2727 0974-7826 Continued
258 Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University 2252-0201 2345-5934 Continued
259 Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical sciences 0971-9903 2347-1948 Continued
260 Journal of Marine Medical Society Marine Medical Society of India 0975-3605 2589-1235 Continued
261 Journal of Mathematical Computational Science SCIK Publishing Corporation 1927-5307 NA Indexed in Scopus
262 Journal of Mathematical Extension Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch 1735-8299 2476-7719 Continued
263 Journal of Mathematical Research and Applications Dalian University of Technology and China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2095-2651 NA Continued
264 Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Department of Microbiology, Fatih University 2146-3158 2146-9369 Discontinued from Oct. 2021
265 Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure Saudi Society of Microscopes NA 2213-8803 Indexed in Scopus
266 Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology 0971-9393 0975-4180 Continued
267 Journal of Mycopathological Research Indian Mycological Society 0971-3719 NA Continued
268 Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry Springer 2008-9244 2193-8865 Indexed in Web of Science
269 Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Theory and Applications Department of Mathematics, Naresuan University 1906-9685 NA Continued
270 Journal of Oilseed Brassica Society for Rapeseed- Mustard Research 0976-1454 2230-7753 Continued
271 Journal of Oilseeds Research Indian Society of Oilseeds Research 0970-2776 NA Continued
272 Journal of Optimization Hindawi Limited 2356-752X 0231-4648 Discontinued from April 2021
273 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology School of Dentistry 2321-3841 2321-385X Continued
274 Journal of Partial Differential Equations Global Science Press 1000-940X 2079-732X Continued
275 Journal of Pediatric Critical Care Indian Academy of Pediatrics 2349-6592 2455-7099 Continued
276 Journal of Physics Communications Institute of Physics Publishing NA 2399-6528 Indexed in Scopus
277 Journal of Postharvest Technology Department of Food Science and Postharvest Technology, Bihar Agricultural University NA 2348-4330 Continued
278 Journal of Proteins and Proteomics Proteomics Society of India 0975-8151 2524-4663 Continued
279 Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences Taylor and Francis NA 1687-8507 Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science
280 Journal of Rajasthan Academy of Physical Sciences Rajasthan Academy of Physical Sciences 0972-6306 NA Continued
281 Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences 2456-5601 2581-9895 Continued
282 Journal of Science of Healing Outcomes World Academy of Authentic Healing Sciences 2347-8438 NA Continued
283 Journal of Scientific Research Faculty of Sciences, Rajshahi University 2070-0237 2070-0245 Continued
284 Journal of Scientific Research Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University 0447-9483 NA Continued
285 Journal of Scientific Temper National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources 2278-2788 2278-2796 Continued
286 Journal of Self- Assembly and Molecular Electronics River Publishers 2245-4551 2245-8824 Continued
287 Journal of Soils and Crops Association of Soils and Crop Research Scientists 0971-2836 2582-2756 Continued
288 Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops Indian Society for Spices 0971-3328 NA Continued
289 Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications Springer NA 2195-5832 Indexed in Scopus
290 Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications Atlantis Press 1538-7887 2214-1766 Indexed in Scopus
291 Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability Natural Sciences Publishing 2090-8423 2090-8431 Indexed in Scopus
292 Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry NA 1997-0838 Continued
293 Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy Springer 2199-3823 2199-3831 Indexed in Scopus
294 Journal of Sustainable Mining Elsevier 2300-3960 NA Indexed in Scopus
295 Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment American Society of Civil Engineers NA 2379-6111 Indexed in Scopus
296 Journal of Taibah University for Science Elsevier NA 1658-3655 Indexed in Web of Science
297 Journal of the Botanical Society of Bengal Botanical Society of Bengal 0971-2976 NA Continued
298 Journal of the Calcutta Mathematical Society (print only) Calcutta Mathematical Society 2231-5314 NA Continued
299 Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society The Chungcheong Mathematical Society 1226-3524 2383-6245 Continued
300 Journal of the French Statistical Society Societe Francaise De Statistique NA 2102-6238 Continued
301 Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA 0350-7599 1821-2808 Indexed in Scopus
302 Journal of the Indian Association of Sedimentologists Indian Association of Sedimentologists 0970-3268 2582-2020 Continued
303 Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics Indian Society for Probability and Statistics NA 2364-9569 Continued
304 Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science Indian Council of Agricultural Research 0974-0228 NA Indexed in Scopus
305 Journal of the Indian Statistical Association Indian Statistical Association 0537-2585 NA Continued
306 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society Indonesian Mathematical Society 2086-8952 2460-0245 Continued
307 Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics The Korean Society of Mathematical Education 1226-0657 2287-6081 Continued
308 Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India The Marine Biological Association of India 0025-3146 2321-7898 Continued
309 Journal of Traditional and Folk Practices (print only) Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute 2278-5906 NA Continued
310 Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura 2235-9370 2235-9362 Continued
311 Journal of Tropical Life Science Universitas Brawijava 2087-5517 2527-4376 Indexed in Scopus
312 Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University 0971-0701 2582-0605 Continued
313 Journal of Water and Environmental Nanotechnology Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council and Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society 2476-7204 2476-6615 Indexed in Scopus
314 Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics International Institute of Informatics and Cybernetics 1690-4532 1690-4524 Discontinued from July 2020
315 Karbala International Journal of Modern Science University of Karbala 2405-609X 2405-6103 Indexed in Scopus
316 Kavaka Mycological Society of India 0379-5179 NA Continued
317 Khayyam Journal of Mathematics Tusi Mathematical Research Group and Department of Pure Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad NA 2423-4788 Indexed in Scopus
318 Kobe Journal of Mathematics Kobe University 0289-9051 NA Continued
319 Korean Journal of Mathematics Kangwon-Kyungki Mathematical Society 1976-8605 2288-1433 Continued
320 Lignocellulose Department of Cellulose and Paper Technology, Shahid Beheshti University 2322-1577 2252-0287 Discontinued from Feb. 2020
321 Malaya Journal of Matematik University Press 2319-3786 2321-5666 Discontinued from April 2021
322 Malaysian Journal of Chemistry Institute Kimia Malaysia NA 2550-1658 Indexed in Scopus
323 Maritime Affairs: Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of India Taylor and Francis 0973-3159 1946-6609 Indexed in Scopus
324 Mathematical and Computational Applications MDPI 1300-686X 2297-8747 Discontinued from Feb. 2020
325 Mathematical Forum The Registrar, Dibrugarh University 0972-9852 NA Continued
326 Mathematical Sciences Springer 2008-1359 2251-7456 Indexed in Web of Science
327 Mathematical Sciences and Applications E- Notes Mathematical Sciences and Applications E- Notes NA 2147-6268 Discontinued from Feb. 2020
328 Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace Cambridge Scientific Publishers 2041-3165 0204-1316 Indexed in Scopus
329 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Modern Processes Springer NA 2198-7874 Discontinued from April 2021
330 Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 2589-8302 2589-8310 Continued
331 Medical Sciences MDPI NA 2076-3271 Discontinued from Sept. 2019
332 Microbiology Insights Sage Publications 1178-6361 1178-6361 Continued
333 Microorganisms MDPI NA 2076-2607 Indexed in Web of Science
334 Nano Convergence Springer NA 2196-5404 Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science
335 Nanocomposites Taylor and Francis 2055-0324 2055-0332 Indexed in Scopus
336 Nanomaterials and Energy ICE Publishing 2045-9831 2045-984X Continued
337 Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics 2220-8054 2305-7971 Indexed in Scopus
338 National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery Maxillofacial Society of India 0975-5950 2229-3418 Continued
339 Natural Products and Bioprospecting Springer 2192-2195 2192-2209 Indexed in Scopus
340 Nelumbo (The Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India) Botanical Survey of India 0976-5069 2455-376X Continued
341 Neotropical Biodiversity Taylor and Francis NA 2376-6808 Indexed in Scopus
342 New Disease Reports British Society for Plant Pathology 2044-0588 NA Indexed in Scopus
343 New Zealand Journal of Mathematics Department of Mathematics, The University of Auckland NA 1179-4984 Continued
344 New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy Physiotherapy New Zealand 0303-7193 2230-4886 Indexed in Scopus
345 Nigerian Journal of Natural Products and Medicine Nigerian Society of Pharmacognosy NA 1118-6267 Discontinued from July 2021
346 Notulae Scientia Biologicae Horticulture and Forestry Society, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine 2067-3205 2067-3264 Continued
347 Opec Energy Review Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries NA 1753-0237 Indexed in Scopus
348 Open Journal of Psychiatry and Allied Sciences Academy Publisher 2394-2053 2394-2061 Continued
349 ORYZA- An International Journal on Rice Association of Rice Research Workers 0474-7615 2249-5266 Continued
350 Palaeovertebrata Department of Paleontology, Institut des Sciences de l’ Evolution 0031-0247 2274-0333 Continued
351 Paleobios University of California NA 0031-0298 Continued
352 Personalized Medicine Universe International Society of Personalized Medicine 2186-4950 NA Continued
353 Philosophy, Theory and Practice in Biology Michigan Publishing 1949-0739 2475-3025 Continued
354 Physics Education Indian Association of Physics Teachers NA 0970-5953 Continued
355 Plant Biotechnology Institute of Plant Biotechnology, Central University “Marta Abreu” 1609-1841 2074-8647 Continued
356 Proceeding in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics GAMM- Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics NA 1617-7061 Continued
357 Proceedings of the Zoological Society Springer 0373-5893 0974-6919 Indexed in Scopus
358 Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems Springer 2367-2617 2367-0983 Indexed in Scopus
359 Punjab University Journal of Mathematics Department of Mathematics, University of Punjab 1016-2526 NA Continued
360 Radiation Protection and Environment Indian Association for Radiation Protection 0972-0464 2250-0995 Continued
361 Ratio Mathematica Academy of Piceno Aprutina Dei Velati 1592-7415 2282-8214 Continued
362 Record of the Zoological Survey of India Zoological Survey of India Kolkata 0375-1511 2581-8686 Continued
363 Reinwardtia Research Center for Biology- LIPI 0034-365X 2337-8824 Indexed in Scopus
364 Reliability: Theory and Applications Gnedenko Forum NA 1932-2321 Indexed in Scopus
365 Research and Reviews: A journal of Pharmaceutical Science STM Journals NA 2229-7006 Discontinued from Sept. 2019
366 Research and Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology STM Journals 2349-1264 2231-3834 Discontinued from Sept. 2019
367 Research and Reviews: Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences Research and Reviews 2319-9857 2347-226X Continued
368 Research in Ornithology Page Press 0035-6875 2385-0833 Continued
369 Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences- An International Journal Centre for Advanced Research in Agricultural Sciences 0976-1675 2249-4538 Continued
370 Research Journal of Textile and Apparel Emerald Publishing Limited 1560-6074 2515-8090 Indexed in Scopus
371 Review of Agrarian Studies Foundation for Agrarian Studies 2248-9002 NA Continued
372 Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education Department of Educational Science and Early Childhood Education, University of Patras 1791-261X 1792-3999 Continued
373 Rheumatology and Therapy Springer 2198-6576 2198-6584 Indexed in Web of Science
374 Romanian Journal of Biology- Zoology Publishing House of the Romanian Academy 2248-3799 1843-7761 Continued
375 Romanian Journal of Biophysics Publishing House of the Romanian Academy 1220-515X 1843-424X Continued
376 Rubber Science Rubber Research Institute of India 2454-4841 2454-485X Continued
377 SA Heart Journal South African Heart Association 1996-6741 2071-4602 Continued
378 SAARC Journal of Agriculture SAARC Agriculture Centre 1682-8348 2312-8038 Continued
379 Samriddhi: A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology Institute of Technology, School of Management Sciences 2229-7111 2454-5767 Continued
380 Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences Springer 1982-6907 2316-9028 Indexed in Scopus
381 Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1840-0655 2233-1964 Continued
382 Scandinavian Journal of Forensic Science Danish Society of Forensic Medicine NA 2353-0707 Continued
383 Science and Technology Journal Mizoram University 2321-3388 NA Continued
384 Scientific Studies and Research, Series Mathematics and Informatics Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau 2457-497X 2067-3566 Discontinued from July 2021
385 Sema Journal Springer 2254-3902 2281-7875 Continued
386 Serdica Mathematical Journal Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics 1310-6600 NA Continued
387 Shape Memory and Superelasticity Springer 2199-384X 2199-3858 Indexed in Scopus
388 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 0972-7752 NA Continued
389 Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics Department of Mathematics, Yunnan University 0129-2021 0219-175X Continued
390 Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry Sri Lanka College of Psychiatry 2012-6883 2579-2008 Continued
391 Statistica Department of Statistical Sciences Paolo Fortunato, University of Bologna 0390-590X 1973-2201 Continued
392 Statistics and Applications Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications NA 2454-7395 Continued
393 Stochastic Modeling and Applications MUK Publications and Distributions 0972-3641 NA Continued
394 Sustainability, Agri, Food and Environmental Research Universidad Catolica de Temuco 0719-3726 NA Continued
395 TANG [Humanitas Medicine] Association of Humanitas Medicine NA 2233-8985 Discontinued from July 2021
396 The Electronic International Journal Advanced Modeling and Optimization Research Institute for Informatics NA 1841-4311 Discontinued from Oct. 2020
397 The Holistic Approach to Environment Association for Promotion of Holistic Approach to Environment NA 1848-0071 Continued
398 The Horological Journal British Horological Institute 0018-5108 NA Continued
399 The Indian Fern Journal Indian Fern Society 0970-2741 NA Discontinued from Sept. 2019
400 The Indian Forester Indian Forester 0019-4816 NA Continued
401 The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women 2348-621X 0022-3174 Continued
402 The Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy All India Occupational Therapists’ Association 0445-7706 NA Continued
403 The Journal of Analysis Forum D’ Analystes NA 2367-2501 Indexed in Scopus
404 The Journal of Community Informatics The Journal of Community Informatics 1712-4441 NA Continued
405 The Journal of Cytology and Genetics Society of Cytologists and Geneticists 0253-7605 NA Continued
406 The Journal of Indian Geophysical Union Indian Geophysical Union 0971-9707 0257-7968 Discontinued from Sept. 2019
407 The Journal of Plant Science Research Prints Publication Pvt. Ltd. 0970-2539 0976-3880 Continued
408 The Journal of Research Angrau Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University 0970-0226 NA Continued
409 The Journal of the Indian Botanical Society Indian Botanical Society 0019-4468 2455-7218 Continued
410 The Journal of the Numismatic Society of India (print only) Numismatic Society of India, Banaras Hindu University 0029-6066 NA Continued
411 The Journal of The Orchid Society of India The Orchid Society of India 0971-5371 NA Continued
412 The Mathematical Gazette Cambridge University Press 0025-5572 2056-6328 Indexed in Scopus
413 The Mathematics Educator Association of Mathematics Educators 0218-9100 NA Discontinued from July 2021
414 The Mathematics Student Indian Mathematical Society 0025-5742 NA Indexed in Scopus
415 The Nucleus Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology 0029-5698 2306-6539 Continued
416 The Ring Sciendo, De Gruyter NA 2083-3520 Continued
417 Thematics Journal of Geography Thematic Publication 2277-2995 NA Discontinued from Jan. 2020
418 Topological Algebra and its Applications Walter de Gruyter NA 2299-3231 Continued
419 Transactions on Combinatorics University of Isfahan 2251-8657 2251-8665 Indexed in Scopus
420 Tropical Plant Research Society for Tropical Plant Research 2349-9265 2349-1183 Discontinued from Jan. 2020
421 Tuberculosis Research and Treatment Hindawi Limited 2090-150X 2090-1518 Continued
422 TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Turkic World Mathematical Society 2076-2585 2219-1259 Indexed in Web of Science
423 Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology Uttar Pradesh Zoological Society 0256-971X NA Continued
424 Vietnam Journal of Computer Science World Scientific Publishing 2196-8888 2196-8896 Continued
425 Water History Springer 1877-7236 1877-7244 Continued
426 Water Science National Water Research Center 1110-4929 2357-0008 Continued
427 Women’s Reproductive Health Taylor and Francis 2329-3691 2329-3713 Indexed in Scopus
428 World Journal of Chemical Education Science and Education Publishing 2375-1665 2375-1657 Continued
429 World Journal of Meta Analysis Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. NA 2308-3840 Discontinued from Oct. 2020
430 World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development Emerald Publishing Limited 2042-5953 2042-5945 Continued


I hope this list of journal infidelity helpful for you for your academic and research publication purpose. share and comment of your views on this post in comment box.

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