One Day National Webinar on  “Indian Constitution: Our Fundamental Rights and Duties (Current Perspective)” Sponsored by MPHEQIP  and World Bank

One Day National Webinar on  “Indian Constitution: Our Fundamental Rights and Duties (Current Perspective)” Sponsored by MPHEQIP  and World Bank

One Day National Webinar on  “Indian Constitution: Our Fundamental Rights and Duties (Current Perspective)” Sponsored by MPHEQIP  and World Bank

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Dr. SSN Government College Malanjkhand,Distt.- Balaghat (M.P.)
One Day National Webinar on 
“Indian Constitution: Our Fundamental Rights and Duties (Current Perspective)”
Sponsored by MPHEQIP  and World Bank.


  • Date :- 23/12/2021
  • Time :- 01:00pm  to 03:00pm
  •  The webinar is open to all.
  • No Registration fees.


Note:- The E certificate shall be given to the participants who have completed registration and actively participate in the webinar.



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