Faculty Development Program on “Introduction to Modern Technologies of Smart Grid”

Faculty Development Program on   “Introduction to Modern Technologies of Smart Grid”

Faculty Development Program on “Introduction to Modern Technologies of Smart Grid”

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Faculty Development Program on

“Introduction to Modern Technologies of Smart Grid”

Organized by
Department of Electrical Engineering
Graphic Era Deemed to be University, Dehradun


Date: 7th March 2022 to 11th March, 2022


Who Can Participate

  • Faculty members of AICTE recognized Universities and Engineering colleges all over India, Research scholars, and Industry personals. However priority will be given to
    the faculty members.


Online Registration link : https://forms.gle/axzhSa9xnhiqjC6VA


  • No registration fee
  • Last date of registration- 01 March, 2022


Theme of the FDP are as follows:
1. Renewable Energy Integration in Grid
2. Challenges of Integrated High Penetration of Renewables in Grid
3. Operational Issues of Grid connected Micro grid
4. Power Electronics Interface for Renewable energy sources
5. Distribution System: Operational and Planning Issues
6. Multi-levels Inverter
7. Cyber Security Issues of Smart grid
8. Optimal Planning of dispatchable and Non-dispatchable distributed generation
9. Battery storage system for distribution system

For more details Check: Brochure

To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://forms.gle/axzhSa9xnhiqjC6VA →


Date And Time

2022-03-07 to


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