Advanced Training Programme on Bibliometrics and Research Output Analysis
Information and Library Network Centre,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Advanced Training Programme on Bibliometrics and Research Output Analysis
Date: 18-22 July, 2022
Venue: The Workshop will be conducted in Offline Mode at Information and Library Network Centre, Infocity, Gandhinagar-382007, Gujarat, India.
Target Participants: Library and information professionals, information scientists and students can apply for registration. A maximum of 25-30 candidates will be selected for the training programme on First-Come-First-Serve basis.
Duration: Five days (18-22 July, 2022)
Workshop Fees:
- The registration fee is Rs. 6,000.00 (Rupees Six Thousand only) per person without accommodation and
- Rs. 10,000.00 (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) with accommodation which is inclusive of GST rates.
The application for registration to the training programme should be submitted online to the INFLIBNET Centre on or before.
Please open this link for online Registration 30th June 2022 https://hrd.inflibnet.ac.in/login.php
Major Topics
Following topics will be covered in the workshop:
- Overview of Bibliometrics
- Bibliometrics Elements and Laws
- Mathematical Foundation of Bibliometrics/Scientometrics vBibliometrics
- Tools and Techniques such as Bibliometrix, Biblioshiny, VOSviewer, etc.
- Bibliometric Methods for Subject Delineation
- Measuring Research Impact
- Advanced Bibliometric Methods for Evaluation, Ranking and Mapping of Research
- Bibliometric Indicators and Ranking of University Research Performance
- Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science and Elsevier’s Scopus Databases
- Altmetrics
Certificate will be issued to the registered participants after the workshop
For more details check: Brochure