National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi
Position/Vacancies: Assistant Librarian
Post-16 post
Last date of application: 17.12.2021
National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), New Delhi, Ministry of Textile Government of India, invites application for direct recruitment of of the post Assistant Librarian
At least of 10 years of regular service in level -4 with relevant experience in library Management
Application Fees:
- Rs. 1180 (in the form of DD)
- SC/St/PWD/Women candidates and NIFT employee are exempted from the payment of application fees
Selection Process
- on the basis of personal interview or interaction
- or any other selection criteria fixed by the NIFT/Selection committee
How To Apply
- send application with self attested documents with non refundable DD of application fees forwarded to the address before 17.12.2021
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